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NAI 1st Valley

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A few weeks back, I reached out to NAI 1st Valley to see if they were interested in Virtual Tours for their properties that they manage. The owner, Jacob, wanted to meet with me to talk about the details that pertain to the virtual tours I create. He wanted something that can showcase in detail a set of offices the were recently built. He said his main problem was in describing and showing how offices looked liked to potential customers that are not in Las Cruces. You can take as many pictures as you want, but you can never really showcase them the entire space and not confuse them with all those pictures. We talked about the details of how I can help him achieve what he wanted and he asked me when I can start on the project. I told him that I can start on it the very next day. It took me about 30 minutes to get all the material that I needed at the offices he wanted to showcase. After that I immediately started working on putting together the Virtual Tour. The Virtual Tours that I create are fully customizable, so I included their company logo as well as some of their bios information. You can see all of the extra information on the tabs in the bottom of the virtual tours. Once everything was put together and finished, I showed them the finished product. They really liked it because the virtual tour can showcase what regular pictures can not. Especially if you have potential customers that are not in Las Cruces. They can just see the Virtual Tour that was created for that set of offices and see what they really look like. You can see the virtual tour at the following link: